Hello Friends!
Everyone is familiar with the expression "time flies" right?
When I was younger I heard this expression way too many times from my parents and my immediate reaction would be to roll me eyes, proclaim that they are just old and that this would never be any of my concern.
Boy was I wrong!!
The last time I was in Ottawa celebrating Canada day was in 2011, when I drove up with my best friend. Documented here.
Being back this time around, it felt like no time had passed at all, but really two years had flown by and my life was completely different, in a good way.
Here's what I got up to this year:
Canada D'EH....get it ;)
Surfing fitness. Best idea ever. The guy who invented this is a genius. I only wish I had his details. I would have totally passed it on.
This little fellow is my new celebrity crush. His name is Crusoe and he is a celebrity Dachshund. Check him out here. He's such a cutie.
This is me doing my best I love Canada jig.
The past three years I have celebrated Canada Day in a pretty epic way! I wonder what next year will bring.